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Our Policies

Fair Practice Code

TMPL always conducts its business in a fair and transparent manner. As an organization involved in the business of lending to the underserved sections of society, which is susceptible to exploitation, TMPL understands the additional responsibility of ensuring high standards of fairness and transparency while maintaining high ethical standards in all its dealings with the customers.

Reserve Bank of India has issued a set of ‘Guidelines on Fair Practices Code for NBFCs’ with the primary objective of promoting fair and transparent practices by setting minimum standards in dealings with borrowers, foster fair and cordial relationship between the borrowers and the company, ensure compliance with all regulatory requirements with regard to customer interface and also strengthen mechanisms of redressal of customer grievances.

TMPL has put in place a Fair Practices Code, with the approval of the Board , which outlines the fair and transparent practices and minimum standards in all our dealings with the customers. It also aims to foster fair cordial relationship with the customers and the company which ensuring compliance with all regulatory requirements with regard to customer interface and strengthen mechanisms of redressal of customer grievances.

In the course of using this website or availing the products and services vide the online application forms and questionnaires, Tripoli Management and its Affiliates may become privy to the personal information of its customers, including information that is of a confidential nature.

Tripoli Management is strongly committed to protecting the privacy of its customers and has taken all necessary and reasonable measures to protect the confidentiality of the customer information and its transmission through the world wide web and it shall not be held liable for disclosure of the confidential information when in accordance with this Privacy Commitment or in terms of the agreements, if any, with the Customers.

Who is covered by this policy

All visitors ("Visitors") who visit the site provide information to Tripoli Management online are covered under this Policy. This Policy also applies to all our customers / prospective customers who submit theit Personal and Financial Data and documents to us for processing their Loan Applications.

Information covered by this policy

This policy seeks to cover private information of the Visitors provided to Tripoli Management online and also any information collected by the Tripoli Management server from the visitors browser. ("the Information")

The features of the policy :
